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Decaf vs Normal Coffee - Should You Switch to Decaf or Not?

Sep 21

Some people drink coffee for its rich taste. Others enjoy it as a vital morning pick-me-up. Coffee has become an essential component of today's culture, whatever your reason may be. On every block in the city, you will see a coffee shop.

But some of us will opt for a decaf coffee instead of the fully caffeinated cup. The jitters, the sleepless nights, and the anxiety caused by caffeine is enough to look at decaffeinated variants of the same cup of joe. Whatever your reason, by the end of this article, you'll be able to firmly decide whether decaf or regular coffee is best for you.

Decaf Vs Normal Coffee - Key Differences

The decaffeination process removes much of the caffeine from the coffee beans. As a result, decaf coffee is less stimulating than caffeinated coffee.

Another key difference between decaf and caffeinated coffee is taste. Decaf coffee often has a milder flavor than caffeinated coffee. This is because the decaffeination process can strip away some of the coffee’s flavor compounds along with the caffeine.

So, if you’re looking for a less stimulating cup of coffee with a milder flavor, decaf coffee may be the right choice for you. But if you want a more potent cup of coffee with a bolder flavor, caffeinated coffee is probably your best bet. You can continue calculate how much caffeine is in your espresso, though sources tell us this exercise is futile. So maybe just keep the consumption very low.

If you decided to go decaf, there are a lot of voices that question the decaf as a healthier option. But we want to show you that this isn't the case. Decaf coffee is as healthy as caffeinated joe.

Is Decaf as Healthy as Normal Coffee?

When it comes to health, there is no clear winner between decaf and caffeinated coffee. Both types of coffee offer potential health benefits, but they also come with some risks.

For example, coffee is a good source of antioxidants. These nutrients can help protect your cells from damage and may reduce your risk of some chronic diseases. However, coffee also contains caffeine, a stimulant that can cause side effects like jitteriness, anxiety, and insomnia.

You will benefit for sure by cutting down on the amount of the caffeine ingested. However, the process that removes the caffeine also removes some of the antioxidants, up to 20%. Not a big deal, in my opinion, but to each their own.

So, if you’re looking for a healthy cup of coffee, it’s important to consider both the potential benefits and risks. If you’re sensitive to caffeine or you have a health condition that could be exacerbated by caffeine, decaf coffee is probably the better choice. Otherwise, either type of coffee can be part of a healthy diet.

All in all, Medical News Today tells us decaf is as healthy as regular joe. However, one important health aspect is the decaffeination method. Some methods are healthier than other.

Decaffeination Method

There are several methods of decaffeination, but the most common is called Swiss water decaffeination. This method uses water to extract the caffeine from coffee beans. The beans are first soaked in hot water, which dissolves the caffeine. Then, the water is passed through a filter that removes the caffeine. The decaffeinated beans are then soaked in the filtered water to reabsorb their flavor compounds.

Swiss water decaffeination is generally considered to be a safe and effective method of decaffeination. However, it can strip away some of the coffee’s flavor compounds along with the caffeine. As a result, Swiss water decaffeinated coffees often have a milder flavor than coffees decaffeinated with other methods.

If you’re looking for a decaf coffee with a bolder flavor, you may want to try a coffee that has been decaffeinated using the carbon dioxide method. This method uses pressurized carbon dioxide to extract the caffeine from coffee beans. The decaffeinated beans retain more of their flavor compounds, resulting in a coffee with a bolder taste.

Decaf Coffee Is Not Caffeine Free

No matter which decaffeination method is used, all decaf coffees will have some caffeine remaining. The exact amount of caffeine will vary depending on the type of coffee and the decaffeination method used. However, decaf coffees typically have about 2-12 milligrams of caffeine per cup. This is compared to about 95-200 milligrams of caffeine in a cup of caffeinated coffee. So, even decaf coffees can contain some caffeine, which is a little disappointing for many.

If you’re looking for a completely caffeine-free cup of coffee, you may want to try coffee alternatives like herbal coffee. These drinks are made from caffeine-free herbs and spices and don’t contain any coffee beans.

This article firstly appeared on Health And Wellness Gazette here: